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Initiatives We Support

Since 1998 the Redwood City Library Foundation has provided almost $4 million of funding for resources, programs and services that take our library system to a new level of excellence.

Current Initiatives

Bridging the Digital Divide


Many Redwood City students do not have reliable internet access at home for homework, research and education. On any given day, after closing hours you can find adults and teens in the library’s parking lot on their laptops and tablets so they can complete their homework, finish job applications, and connect with family members using the library’s Wi-Fi.  

We are raising money to allow school-age children to check out and take home personal Wi-Fi devices (hotspots) and educational laptops. The program is intended to provide access to the families who currently depend on the library's Wi-Fi hotspot.

Career Online High School

​Career Online High School is a 18-month program developed in partnership with the California State Library. The program pairs students with on-line academic coaches, who provide individualized career path guidance, evaluate performance, and help with resources. The program also provides individualized career-related activities in the learning modules.

At the end of the program the students will receive a High School Diploma.


Students in this program are proactively taking steps toward a better life and building a solid foundation for future learning and growth. Going to school gives them the confidence to pursue their dreams. For more information, go here.

Computer Board

Makerspace in the Library


The Downtown Library Makerspace opened in 2022, with major funding from the Foundation. A makerspace is a community workspace where people can come to use sewing, robotics, electronics and other tools. The Makerspace serves all members of the community with an interest in STEAM and arts and crafts. 

A Makerspace is a collaborative workspace designed for making, learning, exploring, and sharing.

The Makerspace is a powerful addition to our local community because it provides free universal access to tools and programming for tinkerers, entrepreneurs, artists, small business owners, and more.


The Makerspace features a combination of high-tech tools (such as a 3D printer) and handcraft equipment (such as sewing machines), and provides a wide spectrum of activities, including digital crafts, traditional crafts, and various media. Usage combines drop-in and structured programs led by library staff and volunteers. A coworking space for small local business or startup workers includes whiteboards, a lounge area, and large screen monitors for collaboration and videoconferencing. 

Redwood Shores Library Interpretive Center

The Redwood Shores Library and Interpretive Center opened in 2008. The Center is a "museum-quality" educational center designed to help children discover the wonders of the Bay and its wetlands, honoring the biodiversity of these wetlands. It teaches children about the balance between community needs and the environment around us.

Free Books for Families

This program provides free books in Spanish and English to families with young children. New books are distributed to the families with young children that attend the various classes in the library. The program encourages reading at home. Having books at home is one of the two most important predictors of future literacy success.

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